Monday, December 06, 2004

Thought for the week 1

This is the first of the weekly posts that I will publish for young people involved in the youth work that I am involved in. This is a chance for you to read, think, pray and to focus on God. It would be great if this becomes an interactive process so please feel free to leave me a comment, just click on the comment button below this post.

Read Matthew 14:22-32 'Jesus Walking on the Water'

What's the most amazing thing you have ever seen? I know for sure that if I had been one of the disciples in this story this would be the winner. A person walking on the water towards you, how would that make you feel? Scared? excited? confused? - probably a mixture of all of those things.

Peter is a man we hear quite a lot about in the bible. He had a habit of putting his foot in it. I'm a bit like that sometimes. When I was at college I spent the first few weeks thinking that the person sitting next to me was a boy, when actually it was a girl, DOH. Peter in this story is the enthusiastic one who decided that he wanted to have a go at surfing, minus the board. He trusted in God but then when he saw the waves around him he started to get scared and his faith started to disappear. That's when he found himself starting to sink.

We can have faith that God will help us in every situation that we find ourselves in. It doesn't matter how big or small the problem or situation is, God will be there with us.

Pray: Ask God to help you to trust him. Thank him that he is always with you, it doesn't matter how we might feel because God promises that he will be with us always.

Do: When you find yourself in a difficult situation, pray to God - it doesn't need to be long. Then trust that he will help you through it.

Have a great week

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