Monday, February 06, 2006

Euthanasia Lesson

Was in a local school this morning talking about the very sensitive subject of abortion. Always feel apprehensive about these type of subjects and try very hard to be loving and gentle in the way that I approach answering/addressing them. It went well and I hope that I put it across ok even with what the teacher said was a very difficult class.

With so many different types/forms of euthanasia I found it almost impossible to give a definitive Christian response that I guess some would look for. My approach was to emphasize respect for life and to look at want it means to be dignified.

I guess many of us will have prayed that prayer, 'please help them not to remember anything that wasn't of You.'

Amen to that.

1 comment:

Roy said...

so tough isn't it? Must admit to having a soft spot for these types of lesson but usually have at least one foot in the mouth howler from them!!