Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Modern day psalms

Spent some time yesterday reading Andy Flannagan's book 'Distinctive Worship'. It is subtitled 'how a new generation connects with God' and offers different ideas and approaches to use within various youth work settings. One such way is by getting young people to write psalms, good, honest, emotional pieces of writing laying down exactly what they think about God, the world or their situation (i've done this before with mixed success). Anyway i re-read one of the pages of Ellen Macarthur's 'Race Against Time' the honestly and connectedness with the environment around her reminded me of psalm. I don't want to be a person who worships creation but instead the creator but i think we see so much of the expression of God through the things around us.

"Subject: The Southern Ocean: ....Somehow the south finds places inside you that you were unaware you had; it conjures up the most vivid memories, shows you the most unbelievable and breathtaking sights. Behind B&Q (her boat) there is a rain-filled squall - but from behind peeps the setting sun....the light beams out a rich, powerful, dominant orange over the grey darkness of the clouds, lighting the spray flying from the crest of the waves, giving them a delicate, almost furry texture. How can such a powerful 40-foot wave be so delicate? As the light gets behind a breaking wave, it seems to lift the crest higher.... the striking turquoise colour makes it seem artificially illuminated from another source - such brilliant colour in an otherwise grey blue sea.... A lone albatross circles ahead....How many passing ships has he seen, i wonder...A tear comes to my eye, because the albatrosses we'll be seeing on this voyage are now numbered: their graceful, effortless flight and constant companionship will have to remain etched in my mind til the next time.

For all being well....the next setting sun over B&Q will be the last one in the Southern Ocean, as we finally leave it behind."

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