Thursday, May 27, 2004

My Teeny Tiny Brain Hurts

Had an excellent day at college today. We spent the morning talking through and discussing models of the atonement. This is second time we have done this and the same as last time my brain feels completely wiped out from all of the grappling that I've had to do. Again I realise how difficult it is to have fundamental doctrines that I have heard, been taught and have taught for myself upended and challenged. My brain hurts from trying to fit it all together and see how they inter-connect and inter-relate with each other. From this you may well think that I'm contradicting my last entry of understanding the Christian faith like a child. I however think that one of the great paradox's of this faith is that both a child and the cleverest person on earth can understand it yet not gain a complete grasp. There is sense that the message in simple yet not simplistic. There are themes and life changing elements that we all have the capability of grasping to some extent but equally the biggest brain in the world cannot fathom all the intricacies and questions that it raises. We are called however to be critical thinkers who look to explore and find out what we can even with the realisation that we will never grasp it all. There are too many Christians who take the easy option and just sail by and do not attempt to grapple with some of the bigger issue that our faith must surely cause of to think through. The bible tells us to be ready to give an answer for the hope that we have through the message and relationship we have found through Jesus, how then can we not have opinions?

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