Sunday, June 06, 2004

Change is afoot

It's been a mad week for a number of reasons, firstly my good friend Marc was taken ill so those of you reading this please pray (if you are that way inclined) for him and his wife Rachel.

Last week I visited the church that I worked for previously (Stopsley Baptist Church). I hadn't been there or seen anyone for over a year so it was amazing to see so many friendly faces. The young people there are amazing and it was fantastic to see how much they have grown up and developed. It was a humbling experience to see the young people from the small group that I used to lead. When I left they were little year 7's now they are just about to go into year 10. It's frightening to see how quickly these young people have grown up. It made me think about what a real privilege it is to work with young people and how it such a responsibility for those of us who are youth workers.

My line manager and generally top bloke Tony Cant left us this week to go and take up a curacy. It's gonna be really strange to go into the office tomorrow and him not be there. He has had an amazing impact upon so many of our lives and we'll miss you Tony.

So even more change is about to happen as I enter my last month at Ascension. This time next week I'll have a better idea of what's in store for me as of the summer.

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